"Who runs away with Mary"
NETHERLANDS - A symposium about “Mary and Marian Worship” was held on March 22, 2019 at the University of Tilburg. It was followed by the publication of a new book with CD by Wiel Logister, SMM. The activity was attended by 60 participants.
During the event, several issues were discussed in response to the following queries:
- What does Mary mean today?
- What did she mean in the past?
- Where do all the different images and points of interest of Maria come from?
In reply to the abovementioned arguments, Charles Caspers, who is from Titus Brandsma Institute, shared his thoughts about "Mary, Queen of Heaven". On the other hand, Grietje Dresen of Radboud University Nijmegen spoke about “Mary, lead us through life"- based from Maria’s life images. Moreover, Wiel Logister, SMM also spoke about his research in the cantiques of Montfort in relation to his vision of Mary.
After the morning program, Marian cantiques by Montfort were sung. The music was set by Frans Bullens and were translated by Andries Govaart. Around 10 cantiques were restated in Dutch language.
In the afternoon, there were several workshops. Afterwards, Jozef Wissink, an Emeritus Professor of the Tilburg School of Catholic Theology, also expressed his final thoughts about Mary.
In conclusion to the event, Fr. Peter Denneman, SMM, presented the new book, "Mary and Marian Worship", to the author, Wiel Logister, SMM, and to those who contributed to the creation of the publications.
Marian Claeren