A Series of Totus Tuus Consecrations in India

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A Series of Totus Tuus Consecrations in India

Montfort News
Published by Fr. Alexander SWAMY NATHAN, SMM in India · Wednesday 11 Dec 2024 ·  3:00
Tags: NUIDA1227

Totus Tuus Consecration at St. Mary’s Basilica, Bengaluru
BENGALURU, India - On February 11, 2024, the youth wing of the Legion of Mary consecrated themselves entirely to Jesus through Mary, following the method of St. Louis de Montfort. The consecration ceremony took place in the historic and sacred setting of St. Mary’s Basilica, Bengaluru, India, making the occasion even more meaningful.
The group of young men and women, aged 20 to 25, displayed great enthusiasm in their journey of faith and devotion. Their preparation was guided by Bro. Daniel, SMM, a dedicated scholastic who, in the true spirit of Montfort, devoted his weekend pastoral ministry to accompany them. The date was thoughtfully chosen to coincide with the Feast of Our Lady of Lourdes, adding spiritual significance to their act of consecration.
The parish priest, Fr. Martin, offered his full support and granted the necessary permissions for organizing the event. As the in-charge of the Legion of Mary, Bro. Daniel inspired these young members, fostering a spirit of zeal and devotion that led them to embrace the Totus Tuus consecration.
The Indian Province takes pride in witnessing Bro. Daniel’s unwavering commitment to the Montfortian charism. His burning zeal for the Blessed Virgin Mary and his dedication to spreading our spirituality are a source of inspiration wherever he serves.
Totus Tuus Consecration at St. Antony’s Parish, Dindigul
DINDIGUL, India - The Montfort Youth of St. Antony’s Parish in Dindigul, India took a significant step in their spiritual journey by consecrating themselves to Jesus through Mary. Under the guidance of Bro. Daniel, SMM, these young men were carefully prepared to embark on the Totus Tuus journey. Rev. Fr. Michael SAGAYARAJ, SMM, the parish priest, mentored and supervised the process with dedication.
On Sunday, August 25, 2024, during the parish Sunday Mass and in the presence of the congregation, the young men made their solemn consecration. The ceremony, presided over by Fr. Michael SAGAYARAJ, SMM, was a joyful testament to their enthusiasm and devotion.
We commend the tireless efforts of Fr. Michael SAGAYARAJ, SMM and Bro. Daniel, SMM in nurturing the faith of these young men. Their dedication reflects the enduring spirit of St. Louis de Montfort, which continues to inspire and guide through the work of these Montfortian confreres.
St. Antony’s Parish, Dindigul
DINDIGUL, India - On September 8, 2024, a group of devout women consecrated themselves to Jesus through Mary following the teachings of St. Louis de Montfort. This spiritual milestone took place at St. Antony’s Parish in Dindigul, India, under the guidance of Bro. Daniel, SMM, who carefully prepared the group for their Totus Tuus journey.
The solemn occasion coincided with the Feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary and was marked by a Holy Mass presided over by the parish priest, Rev. Fr. Michael SAGAYARAJ, SMM. During the Mass, the women made their heartfelt consecration, dedicating themselves entirely to Jesus through the maternal intercession of Mary.
Congratulations to Bro. Daniel for his commendable efforts in preparing the group for this profound act of devotion and faith.
Director of Marian Centre
National Director of Mary Queen of All Hearts

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