ANALAMALOTRA, Madagascar - Following a decision taken during a council concerning training in our Entity, all the young people in formation from the pre-postulancy to the scholasticate and formators should meet once a year. Inspired by the writings of our Congregation, the rules of life and the personal experience within our community, we decided to spend a friendly moment together to strengthen not only the knowledge of each other, but also the fraternal life. This authentic fraternal life is one of the challenges in our commitment to religious life as Montfortians...

ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar - The feast of Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, which took place last Thursday, April 28, 2022, was marked by the gathering of the entire Montfortian family working and based in Antananarivo, at the Foyer Andraisoro, namely the confreres of the Company of Mary, the sisters of the Daughters of Wisdom, the Montfort brothers of Saint Gabriel and the lay associates...