ROME, Italy - On March 15 2023, the General Council approved the Statutes of the Entity GB/I, which since 2019 has officially become a Community attached to the Generalate (C 162). Therefore, it is administered directly by the General Administration. Composed of 6 members (five in perpetual vows and one in ...

RENNES, France - Since January 22, 2023, the archdiocese of Rennes (where Montfort-sur-Meu is located) has a new auxiliary bishop.

PONTCHATEAU, France - Dans le parloir de la maison montfortaine du Calvaire de Pontchâteau le manuscrit d’une lettre du P. de Montfort est encadré et daté 29 Janvier 1711. Cette lettre, fort probablement autographe, fut trouvée au milieu de vieux papiers dans le grenier lors de l’évacuation de la maison réquisitionnée par les ...

MEDJUGORJE, Bosnia and Herzegovina - The "Totus Tuus" Spiritual Center of the Association "Mary Queen of All Hearts" of Trinitapoli (Italy), is located in Medjugorje and was created by the Decree of the Superior General of July 2, 2020 with the authorization of Bishop Henryk HOSER, the Apostolic Visitor, with the ordinary functions of the site...

ITALY - The Superior General recently authorized the opening of two new communities for the Province of Italy. Following a long discernment and in response to wanting to "dare to risk for God and humanity", the Italian Province has in fact accepted to engage in the pastoral unit "Val del Riso" in the diocese of Bergamo and the sanctuary "Madonna di Caravaggio in Codogno”, in the diocese of Lodi. These two new foundations are placed in the spirit of the 350th anniversary of the birth of Montfort and the 75th anniversary of his canonization...

SOUTHAMPTON, United Kingdom - On the Feast of the Transfiguration, the Montfortian community in the UK welcomed a new missionary, Fr. Richard MAGARARU, SMM from the General Delegation of the Philippines. Fr. Richard was received into our St. Joseph’s Center with a welcome rite in the chapel and with a tasty dinner preceded by a toast, in an atmosphere of joy and emotion...

ASHURST, United Kingdom - For some time now, at the Saint-Joseph’s Center, in addition to Fr. Des CONNOLLY, SMM and Bro. Anthony HANLY, SMM, other confreres have been present there: Fr. Fidelis WOTAN, SMM who studies English, Bro. Oliver ABASOLO, SMM, the scholastic who is doing his pastoral internship and Fr. Marco PASINATO, SMM who, following the canonical visitation, facilitates the journey of this entity on behalf of the General Council. The animation of the day for the anniversary of the canonization of Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort was a good opportunity to live together a missionary experience...

ASHURST, UK - In 2019, the GB/I entity has been erected as “a community attached to the Generalate”. In 2020, Fr. Norwyn BAYDO, SMM, the Superior of the Philippines, appointed Fr. Richard MAGARARU, SMM as a new missionary for UK, by saying: “Since last year, we have started reflecting and engaging ourselves in dialogue and in opening our frontiers to new mission partnership that will guarantee to continue our Montfortian life-mission in England”...