BELGIUM - This year, the Belgian Delegation was pleased and proud to celebrate the 60th priestly ordination anniversary of Fr. Jef SCHEEPENS, SMM, Fr. Frans FABRY, SMM, and Fr. Jos VERBELEN, SMM...

ROME - The springtime has just begun, and anyone traveling through Europe will not miss the beautiful flowers and blooming trees and plants that make the landscapes green and heavenly. On 21 March, first day of spring, the weather in Rome was pleasant. As someone who traveled from Belgium, I found it to be a blessing and felt fortunate. The sun was shining, and the atmosphere was inviting to visit Rome and admire its historical monuments and splendid places. On this beautiful day, Fr. Alex SWAMY NATHAN, SMM defended his thesis entitled: “Where are you from? (19:9): An Exegetico-Theological Inquiry of ‘pothen’ and its Christological function in the Fourth Gospel”...