The Provincial Chapter of Haiti, held on 18 November 2021 in Port-au-Prince, in the presence of Father Luiz Augusto STEFANI, Superior General, has re-elected Father Jean Jacques SAINT-LOUIS as Superior of the Province of Haiti for a mandate of three years...

On 12 November 2021, Father Luiz Augusto Stefani, Superior General, with the consent of his Council, has reappointed Father Jos VAN DEN BERGH as Superior of the General Delegation of Belgium for a mandate of three years...

On 11 November 2021, Father Luiz Augusto Stefani, Superior General, with the consent of his Council, has appointed Father Bruno RANDRIANASOLO KIKY as Superior of the Vice-Province of Madagascar for a second mandate of three years...

Dear brother: I thank you for your kind letter of August 10, in which you informed me of the death of Father Olivier Maire, as well as of the consternation it caused for the whole Company of Mary and for the parents of the religious. I beg you to convey to them all my closeness and my prayer for the soul of Father Olivier. I pray to the Lord that by appearing before the Tribunal of God, as this ancient prayer of the Society says, he will be welcomed into the loving arms of the Sweet Mother of mercy, as the faithful servant who gave his life in service of the last...

On 25 October 2021, Father Luiz Augusto STEFANI, SMM, Superior General, with the consent of his Council (C 215), has appointed Father Paul Lonely MASHONGA, SMM as Superior of the General Delegation of Anglophone Africa for a second mandate of three years. The mandate of the new administration is effective starting from today, 25 October 2021...

On 19 October 2021, Father Luiz Augusto STEFANI, SMM, Superior General of the Company of Mary, with the consent of his Council has appointed Father Jailos Augustine MPINA, SMM from the General Delegation of Anglophone Africa, as the new Director of the SMM Communications. His mandate is effective starting from today, 19 October 2021...

On 24 September 2021, Father Luiz Augusto STEFANI, SMM, Superior General, in accordance with our Constitutions (C 145), and with the consent of his Council, named Father Benigno ZORRO CORREDOR, SMM...

On 28 July 2021, Father Luiz Augusto STEFANI, SMM, Superior General, with the consent of his Council (C 215), has appointed Father Guelord ASEME MUKE, SMM as Superior of the General Delegation of Francophone Africa for a mandate of three years...