Blessing of the New SMM-Memorial in Schimmert

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Blessing of the New SMM-Memorial in Schimmert

Montfort News
Published by Marian Claeren in Netherlands · Tuesday 22 May 2018 ·  1:30
Tags: NUNED377

SCHIMMERT, Netherlands – On 28th of April 2018, Saturday, about one hundred people came to Schimmert to celebrate with the Dutch province Montfort’s 302nd death day. At the start of the day there was coffee and tea. Around 11:30 a.m., there was a tourist-train waiting for the guests to bring them to the Montfortian cemetery.
At the cemetery, a beautiful celebration was held. Peter Denneman explained why the Dutch province decided to create such a monument. It was to bring all the brave missionaries home again, to the place where they all started their montfortian life. All the names of the confreres buried in other entities, or in the Netherlands on other churchyards were named at this SMM-Memorial. A place to see their names, to think about them and share our memories of them. We sang cantique 148 – Le Charité me presse. Confrere Richard Schreurs played the keyboard. Evelyn Braekers played the flute (and the birds were singing, although this wasn’t mentioned in the booklet). There were some nice texts about life and death.
Names of the confreres were called by Mathew Jenniskens, Herman Jansen, Jan Lathouwers. Family members of deceased confreres put some flowers in front of the monument.  Peter invited the confreres to come forward to sing ‘Animé de l’amour entre frères’. And then he blessed the monument with water and incense. After that the train brought everyone back to the restaurant for a drink, a talk and a simple meal.
-Marian Claeren


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