LEUVEN, Belgium - With the Mass on September 8 which was celebrated in the great Church of Saint Peter and was followed by the renewal of the baptismal promises of all the participants, the confreres of the community of Kessel-Lo launched the initiative “On the road with Montfort”. Its aim is to create a movement that can reach young students and interest them in our Montfortian spirituality from the region of Leuven...

GENK, Belgium - We take pride in what our confreres have accomplished in the Diocese of Hasselt. We are well known for our popular mission preaching, moving from parish to parish. We share a close bond with this diocese, as many of our confreres have collaborated with the local church, serving as parish priests in numerous parishes...

MONTAIGU, Belgium - The celebration of the Feast of the birth in heaven of Father de Montfort had been anticipated to Friday, April 26, 2024, in the General Delegation of Belgium. The Montfort Feast has usually been celebrated in complete sobriety in one of the communities, either in Kessel-Lo (Leuven) or in Genk and most often, only between Montfort confreres. At the great initiative of the Council of the Delegation, this year, the celebration of Montfort had a different color...

BELGIUM - This year, the Belgian Delegation was pleased and proud to celebrate the 60th priestly ordination anniversary of Fr. Jef SCHEEPENS, SMM, Fr. Frans FABRY, SMM, and Fr. Jos VERBELEN, SMM...

LEUVEN, Belgium - It was a cloudy day in Leuven, Belgium but Father Nepo’s bright smile made everything glitter. Indeed, it was also the feast day of St. Lucy, the saint of light. In the august presence of a host of distinguished professors at the Catholic University of Leuven, and in the presence of the local bishop, under whose shepherding he renders his pastoral service, Dr. Fr. Nepo successfully defended his doctoral thesis on December 13, 2023...

FLANDERS, Belgium - The month of May is popularly known as the month of Mary in the Roman Catholic Church. In Flanders, many devotees choose this month to visit well-known Marian pilgrimage sites, such as Scherpenheuvel and Banneux, and organize processions in honour of the patron saints. Similarly, the month of October is celebrated as the Month of the Rosary by practicing Roman Catholics...

ROTSELAAR, Belgium – In observance of the annual tradition during All Saints’ and All Souls’ Day, the Belgian delegation organized this year’s memorial celebration on Sunday, 29th of October in Rotselaar, where the delegation cemetery is located. Invitations were sent to the families of the deceased confreres and despite noting a noticeable decrease in family member attendance in recent years, approximately 80 people participated in the Eucharist this year...

BELGIUM - The current state of the Church in the West is marked by a deep concern for those believers who have left the church or no longer attend services. Unfortunately, in the process, our Church seems to be neglecting the pastoral and spiritual needs of those who remain faithful and continue to actively participate in our faith-community...