BELGIUM - The second article of the series “Montfort EurHope” is about the self-presentation of Ghislain KASEREKA, a...

GENK, Belgium - On Wednesday, the 5th of December 2018, the Superior General, Fr. Luiz Augusto Stefani, SMM and the General Councillor, Fr. Marco Pasinato, SMM, who is responsible for Europe, arrived in Belgium...

GENK, Belgium - On a special day, 2nd February, the feast of the Purification of the Blessed Virgin Mary, the Montfortians of Belgium had a general assembly. In the agenda there’s only one item: which project will the Belgian...

BELGIUM - On 17th January 2018, exactly 6 years after Fr. Phil Bosmans died, Meeuwen-Gruitrode, the community where Phil was born, and Bond zonder Naam (Bond without Name) organised an evening to share their projects...

BELGIUM – The Montfort Missionaries in Belgium undertake new initiatives to make the Montfortian Spirituality available to the people and relevant for our times. Among such initiatives, the regular meeting of “Na-Oostakker...

BELGIUM - “Montfortian formation and meeting day” is one of the spiritual activities organized by the Montfortians every year in view of renewing and deepening Montfortian spirituality. This event is prepared in collaboration...

LEUVEN, Belgium - Five years ago our most famous confrere Fr. Phil Bosmans died at the age of 85. He was the founder of a.o. the BZN (Association With no Name), writer of many books translated in more than 20 languages and well-known for his quotes. He was born in a small village Meeuwen-Gruitrode and in honour of their well-beloved inhabitant several projects were set up: a museum in their recently...

GENK, Belgium - On Friday 28th April, the day the entire montfortian congregation celebrated their founder Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, the Belgian confreres gathered in Genk to discuss the lineamenta that were sent by the general administration to each entity in view of the General Chapter...