Celebration of the Feast of Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort and the Conferment of the Ministries of Lector and Acolyte
ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar - The feast of Saint Louis-Marie Grignion de Montfort, which took place last Thursday, April 28, 2022, was marked by the gathering of the entire Montfortian family working and based in Antananarivo, at the Foyer Andraisoro, namely the confreres of the Company of Mary, the sisters of the Daughters of Wisdom, the Montfort brothers of Saint Gabriel and the lay associates.
On this occasion, two scholastics of the Company of Mary, including Brothers Claude Aimé TOVOMALALA, SMM and Alain Frédéric RANDRIANASOLO, SMM were specially bequeathed to the Ministry of Lectorate and Acolyte.
This great moment was opened by the Eucharistic Mass at 5:30 p.m., presided over by the Provincial Superior, Fr. Bruno RANDRIANASOLO, SMM who was also celebrating his jubilee of 20 years of priesthood with Fr. Séraphin. Moreover, we did not leave aside the three other confreres who celebrated the same feast, namely Fr. André, Fr. Alexandre, and Fr. Jean Baptiste (Fr. Liva). On the other hand, we gave thanks to God for the tenth priestly anniversary of Frs. Lanto, Joel and Alexandre (Fr. Fanomezantsoa). Moreover, Frs. Philibert and Clement celebrated their sixth priestly anniversary, in addition to the others who had various birthday celebrations. And at the heart of the celebration, we did not forget praying for eternal repose of the soul of Father Lucien RIJANIAINA, SMM who had just left us last week.
Fr. Bruno highlighted that faced with the inexhaustible graces received by the Company of Mary and the servants of God who had celebrated the feast in unity and intimacy, we were able to see that the love of God is great. Each one, animated by his baptism, consecrates himself to God. It is through baptism that we commit ourselves under proof of various acts of devotion and services within the congregation, for the life of the Montfortian spirituality and charism, accompanied by these various complementary gifts of grace. These help us to accomplish our unique mission of preaching the Good News to everyone and so that they may also be dispensed from the Sacrament of Baptism.
After all this, the moment was followed by an evening of joy and sharing through the meal of agape. It was animated also by dances led by each attending group and moments of presentations with a view to the diversity and distance of each member by activity and originality.
It should be noted that the three provincials of the Montfortian family were all present: Sister Henriette of the Daughters of Wisdom, Brother Antoine of the Montfortian Brothers of Saint Gabriel and Father Bruno of the Company of Mary.
Bro. Joseph Victor, SMM