Communicators without Borders

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Communicators without Borders

Montfort News
Published by Maritza Flores, Ecuador; Diana Pulido, Colombia in Peru-Brazil · Tuesday 23 Jul 2019 ·  2:30
Tags: NUPBZ551
[FR]  [ES]

And he said to them, “Go into all the world and proclaim the Gospel to the whole creation.”
Mark 16:15
ÑAÑA, Peru - Driven by the Holy Spirit in response to one of the calls of the Continental Mission in Latin America, a group of Montfort Missionaries and Lay people from the Province of Colombia, Ecuador and Peru-Brazil Delegation gathered in Ñaña, Peru on July 9-12, 2019 to attend the first Workshop on Communications. The meeting was led by Superior General Father Luiz Augusto Stefani, SMM together with Father Reynaldo Bullas Jr., SMM as the facilitator.
The main objective of the workshop is to create a Montfortian communication network for global transformation. To achieve this goal, a web page that is created by the Company of Mary at the General House in Rome was introduced. This page is rich in information in at least three different languages that allows us to know and spread the spirituality according to Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort.
It is indeed important to recognize the deep commitment of Fr. Rey who created the website and has been leading the work of gathering information as well as developing the web page and making necessary updates.
As we got to know this good news, we discovered the importance of joining this effort as a working group and appreciated the need to support the page and commit ourselves responsibly by sending news information following the necessary guidelines. This also requires our global openness to teamwork by making readily available the gifts and talents given to us by Jesus Christ, most importantly when there is a need of translators, news editors, photographers and the like.
Each delegation had the opportunity to share their positive experiences, the available resources, and  the strengths and difficulties found. They also had the chance to give contributions and offer suggestions and recommendations to the Central Communications Team regarding the digital communication tools used to bring the Good News of the Lord, highlighting the work that was presented by the Province of Colombia and the Peru-Brazil Delegation.
In conclusion, this workshop helped us realize the importance of the use of digital media in this era in spreading the Montfortian Spirituality. It also allows us to maintain a base of communication between the community and the laity as we walk hand in hand with the new technologies available to go around the world, carrying the Holy Gospel.
Maritza Flores, Ecuador
Diana Pulido, Colombia

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