First Montfortian Religious Profession
NICARAGUA - In the San Luis María de Montfort chapel of the Latin American Montfortian Novitiate of Paipa, on December 8, 2024, on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of Mary, at 5:00 p.m.; the religious ceremony was held, where 3 young people of Nicaraguan nationality and belonging to the United States-Nicaragua Entity, took their first religious vows in the Company of Mary-Montfortian Missionaries. Their names are:
Luis Antonio Ramos ÁLVAREZ SMM
Francisco Ronaldo VADO DÍAZ SMM
Janier Omar García MURILLO SMM;
After having satisfactorily lived the experience of novitiate and being admitted by their respective superior and his council, they long to radically follow Christ Wisdom according to the spirituality proposed by Father de Montfort. The profession ceremony was presided over by the Provincial of Colombia, Fr. Jaime OVED, SMM, accompanied by the Fathers: Thomas POTH, SMM, the Vice Provincial Superior of the United States-Nicaragua; Benigno ZORRO, SMM, Novice Master; Pablo GARCÍA, SMM, the socius and Rafael CARRILLO, SMM, confrere of the Province of Colombia; there was also participation of some lay people who are part of the New Evangelization process (SINE), the parishioners and Montfortian lay people who participate in the Eucharistic celebrations at the novitiate house.
A very beautiful ceremony where the newly professed demonstrated with their testimony, their love for the Church and the service of God; after the Eucharist, the lay people demonstrated their affection for them, with a small sharing, and saying goodbye to them, for so many teachings that they left with their lifestyle within the formation house.
Br. Francisco Vado SMM