Installation of the Philippine Delegation council members

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Installation of the Philippine Delegation council members

Montfort News
Published by Bro. Jessie James DATULAYTA, SMM in Philippines · Monday 11 Nov 2024 ·  2:15
Tags: NUPHL1209

QUEZON CITY, Philippines – On October 21, 2024, in a momentous assembly, the Montfort Missionaries ushered in a new era with the official installation of the Philippine Delegation Council. The ceremony was presided over by Fr. Yoseph Putra Dwi Darma WATUN, SMM, Superior General of the Montfort Missionaries, who personally traveled to the Philippines to oversee the installation, accompanied by Fr. Prem KUMAR, SMM, General Councilor for Asia and Oceania.
The gathering was marked by excitement and anticipation as the community embraced this fresh chapter of leadership and spiritual renewal. At the heart of the event was the installation of Fr. Federick B. YUMANG, SMM, as the new Delegation Superior, along with Fr. Sherwin Y. NUÑEZ, SMM and Fr. Rene BUSTILLO, SMM, who were appointed as councilors. This leadership team is set to guide the Philippine Delegation for the next three years with a focus on invigorating the mission and serving both the local and universal Church.
Adding to the joyful celebration were the Daughters of Wisdom, Brothers of St. Gabriel, Associates of Mary Queen of All Hearts, parishioners from Sta. Teresita Parish, as well as family and friends of the Philippine Delegation, whose presence enriched the event with warmth and support.
The atmosphere was one of joy and hope, filled with the promise of renewed energy and commitment to Montfortian spirituality. As the new council takes on the responsibility of animating the delegation, their leadership promises to bring an unwavering dedication to the congregation’s mission.
In his message, Fr. Dwi emphasized the importance of servant leadership, urging the new council to prioritize understanding and listening to those they lead. "A true servant leader listens actively to the concerns, ideas, and feedback of others, ensuring that they feel heard and valued," Fr. Dwi remarked.
He also highlighted the Marian aspect of leadership, drawing from the Gospel of Luke and the words of the Blessed Mother: "Behold, I am the handmaid of the Lord; let it be done to me according to your word" (Luke 1:38). Mary, he noted, is the perfect model of leadership that is deeply spiritual, rooted in service, and oriented toward the well-being of others.
This installation marks not just a transition in leadership but also a renewed commitment to carrying out the mission of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort.
Bro. Jessie James DATULAYTA, SMM

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