Montfort Lay Associates gather for Spiritual Renewal
Published by Fr. Alexander SWAMY NATHAN, SMM in India · Tuesday 03 Dec 2024 · 1:15
Tags: NU, IDA, 1222
Tags: NU, IDA, 1222
TAMIL NADU, India - The Montfort Lay Associates of S. Pudur Parish, Tamil Nadu, India, held their regular meeting on November 24, 2024. The session commenced with a prayer led by Rev. Fr. Selvakumar, SMM, the parish priest. Following this, Ms. Malini PERIYANAYAGAM, the President of the Montfort Lay Associates, extended a warm welcome to the gathering and introduced the new members to the group.
The meeting proceeded with the recitation of the Holy Rosary, after which Fr. Selvakumar introduced Rev. Fr. Alexander, SMM, the Indian National Director of Mary Queen of All Hearts. Fr. Alexander addressed the group, offering insights into the life and spirituality of St. Louis de Montfort, the role of Mary in our lives, and the significance of the Holy Rosary. He also encouraged the members to prepare spiritually for the Totus Tuus Journey and to embrace the total consecration wholeheartedly.
As the meeting drew to a close, Fr. Selvakumar shared some announcements and outlined plans for the months ahead, ensuring that the group remains focused on their mission. The gathering concluded on a warm and cheerful note, with tea and snacks shared among friends, strengthening the bonds of fellowship that make the Montfort Lay Associates a true community of faith.