Perpetual vows, silver jubilee, diaconal and presbyteral ordination

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Perpetual vows, silver jubilee, diaconal and presbyteral ordination

Montfort News
Published by Bro. Joseph Victor RATAFITANIAINA, SMM in Madagascar · Wednesday 16 Nov 2022 ·  2:00
Tags: NUMAD929
[FR]  [ES]

TAMATAVE, Madagascar - On the occasion of the presence of the general administration, the Vice-Province of Madagascar and the whole Montfortian family jumped with joy on November 05 and 06, 2022.
It was on November 05, 2022, that Brother Claude AIMÉ, SMM and Brother Frédéric, SMM pronounced their perpetual profession in the presence of Father Luiz Augusto STEFANI, SMM the Superior General of the Company of Mary. The Eucharistic celebration took place in the Sacré Coeur parish held by the Montfortians at Tanambao V in Tamatave at 9 a.m. The superior of the Vice-Province, Father Bruno RANDRIANASOLO KIKY, SMM presided over the Mass. The members of the family of these two brothers, the Montfortian confreres and many religious and people from other communities were present at this celebration.
In addition, five fellow priests of the Vice-province celebrated their silver jubilee of religious life in the Company of Mary, namely, Father Alexandre RANDRIAMIARINTSOA, SMM, Father Jean Baptiste RALIVANIRINA, SMM, Father Marie Séraphin RAZAFISOANIAINA, SMM, Father Bruno RANDRIANASOLO KIKY, SMM and Father André RAKOTOSON, SMM. And in his speech of gratitude, Father Bruno expressed his gratitude to the goodness of God who grants us, particularly the very reverend Father General, Father Luiz and the Reverend Father Felix, the Assistant General, responsible for Africa-Madagascar.
The next day, November 06, 2022, the two brothers received diaconal ordination and six other deacons, namely the Royal Deacon SMM, Olivier SMM, Gérald, SMM, Inoul (Diocesan), Paul (Diocesan), and Victor (Diocesan) were ordained priests by Cardinal Désiré TSARAHAZANA, Archbishop of Tamatave. This event filled with grace took place at the André Kim TAEGON parish in Tamatave. This big celebration started at 9 a.m. until 3 p.m. In his address, the Cardinal warned new deacons and new priests to live the testimony of love in their life as deacon and priesthood. Finally, he thanked Father General and his assistant for having attended this beautiful celebration. Finally, a fraternal meal was served after Mass for all the guests.
We thank God for all these grace-filled events. Congratulations to the new reverends. Good mission to all of us. God Alone.

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