PHILIPPINES: Montfortian Parish Feast Day Celebration
The feast of St. Therese of the Child Jesus, the patron saint of the first parish run by the Montfort Missionaries in the Philippines, was packed with many meaningful and memorable events. A novena with reflections on the life of St. Therese, the praying of the Holy Rosary and Masses were held from September 27 to October 5. The nine-day activities was capped by a well-attended procession on Saturday, October 5. A brass band accompanied the float of St. Therese while the people who joined in the procession prayed the Holy Rosary. On fiesta day, Sunday, October 6, 2013, the parishioners were blessed with the presence of Most Reverend Broderick Pabillo, DD, Auxiliary Bishop of Manila. Together with the Montfort Fathers, he presided in the Fiesta Mass. The celebration was highlighted by the unveiling of the 77 inches tall and 168 inches wide stained glass on the left side of the altar. The rendition depicts a community of the faithful and the Church as a structure where the faithful gathers. At the center of the stained glass is St.Therese of the Child Jesus on a carroza bedecked with floral decorations. Around St. Therese, we can see the parishioners who are ready to go in a procession to honor her, the Patroness of Barangay West Rembo, Makati City. It is a sight to behold. It is indeed a nice souvenir of the celebration of the feast in this year of faith. The parishioners were in awe when Bishop Pabillo and Father Paul unveiled the stained glass. A brass band played music before and after the mass that provided a festive mood.