Spiritual Retreat in Malawi
Published by Fr. Innocent MWANOKA, SMM in Africa Anglophone · Tuesday 26 Nov 2024 · 2:15
Tags: NU, AFA, 1214
Tags: NU, AFA, 1214
MANGOCHI, Malawi - From Sunday, 17 November to Friday, 22 November, the members of the Anglophone delegation working in Malawi and Zambia conducted their annual retreat. This auspicious moment of reflection and prayer took place at Namiasi Lake House. It was graciously facilitated by Fr. Nesta NTIWA, OCD and generously attended by confreres in that region.
Reflecting on the theme, “THE CRACK OF RELIGIOUS LIFE”, Fr. Nesta sought to remind us about the priceless gift of being religious and its expected life-giving consequences. God in his abundant love has chosen us and wants us to bear fruits that last. However, being human, we are full of our own weaknesses (cracks). These ‘cracks’ prevent us from unleashing fully the love of God both to ourselves and the people we serve. With the parallel examples of Peter and Judas, we were invited to appreciate how cracks in living our religious life come about and affect the person, community life as well as ministry. The genesis of everything is a lethargic prayer life that slowly but surely drifts one away from God. While Judas went to lose it all because of his pride and unwillingness to repent, Peter re-kindled his love for God because of his trust in Jesus.
Examining our own cracks offers us opportunities for a spiritual renewal; an opening to encounter the mercy of the Father. He forgives us and grants us the graces to mend our cracks and continue to serve him better. All we need to do is not grow weary of seeking his face at all times.
On behalf of the superior delegate and all confreres, Fr. Samuel SATIELE, SMM thanked Fr. Nesta for his availability and his profound and incisive spiritual insights throughout the 6 days. Equally, he acknowledged and appreciated the sacrifices that confreres had to make to come to this gratifying moment of prayer. We concluded everything with a solemn Holy Mass in which we prayed for the eternal repose of the souls of our Montfortian confreres, especially those that worked in our entity. We shared a happy parting meal and started off to our respective missions well rejuvenated.
Fr. Innocent MWANOKA, SMM
Stima parish