The future belongs to you – Cardinal John Ribat

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The future belongs to you – Cardinal John Ribat

Montfort News
Published by Dolaa DHANUSH in Papua New Guinea · Friday 16 Dec 2022 ·  2:30
Tags: NUPNG940

PORT MORESBY, Papua New Guinea – On Thursday, December 15, 2022, the Blessing Mass of the “Montfortian House of Prayer” took place in Bomana, Port Moresby, PNG, by Cardinal John RIBAT, MSC, Archbishop of Port Moresby. This community which is a house of formation for the candidates of the General Delegation of PNG of the Montfortian Missionaries is located in the complex of the Catholic Theological Institute (ITC) where these candidates study Philosophy and Theology. In this same complex are the formation houses of many other congregations as well as an inter-diocesan seminary. Currently, at the time of writing this article, the Montfort Missionaries of this entity have in their new house: 2 candidates for temporary vows, 3 candidates for the novitiate, 2 postulants and 1 aspirant. They are accompanied by three formators.
In his homily, Cardinal John informed that until a few years ago this house was known as the “Carmelite Monastery”. But 3 years ago, these nuns left for another mission. Their mission here is now continued by the Montfort Missionaries: Mass continues to be celebrated there as well as prayer in the service of the Church in PNG. Since the candidates for the Montfort Missionaries were also formed here in this house, the prayer for vocations should also continue from this place.
After the blessing of this house, a simple family reception took place. The parishioners of Morata, the sisters, brothers and priests of the different congregations and the Montfortian Associates who attended this mass also took part in this event. In his opening address, Fr. Luiz Augusto STEFANI, SMM, the Superior General of the Montfortian Missionaries, expressed his gratitude to Cardinal John and the neighbors of Bomana for having received and welcomed the Montfortian Missionaries in this place. He also expressed his admiration and support for the Montfort Missionaries working in 3 dioceses in this country (Port Moresby, Daru-Kiunga and Lae) for their missionary commitment even in the midst of the different challenges that exist. Cardinal John, in his address, understood today's event as an official handover of this house in the Archdiocese of Port Moresby to the Montfort Missionaries.
Fr. Aloisius BANGGUR, SMM, the Superior of the PNG Delegation, said in his address that praying for Montfortian vocations is a very important duty that belongs to everyone, because after all, the future is at stake here, in the candidates who are and will be formed in this “Montfortian House of Prayer”.

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