The Passage of Cyclone Batsirai in Mananjary, Manakara and the Visit of Colleagues and Families

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The Passage of Cyclone Batsirai in Mananjary, Manakara and the Visit of Colleagues and Families

Montfort News
Published by Bro. Joseph Victor RATAFITANIAINA, SMM in Madagascar · Wednesday 30 Mar 2022 ·  1:15
Tags: NUMAD818
[FR]  [ES]

MANAKARA, Madagascar - The Father Superior of Madagascar Entity, Fr. Bruno, had taken the opportunity to visit our colleagues working in the South-East of Madagascar (in Mananjary) after the passage of cyclone Batsirai. It should be noted that, by the grace of God, the two confreres on site are doing well (Fr. Jean Baptiste and Fr. Solofo Victor). Father Bruno, on this occasion, visited his family, not far from Mananjary, in Manakara: “It was a great joy to meet again”. Batsirai is a very intense cyclone which caused enormous damage. What is observed first is the absence of roofs on nearly nine out of ten houses. Hard dwellings have seen their sheet metal roofs torn off. As for the falafa houses, that is to say houses built from plant material, almost none has withstood the violence of the winds. In the neighborhoods, planks, debris, remains of destroyed houses have gathered. A good number of bell towers, including 14 occupied by the Montfortians, were devastated, including the diocese cathedral.
With the Virgin Mary and Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort, let us unite our prayers for all those affected by the cyclone.

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