Grateful for God's Abundance

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Grateful for God's Abundance

Montfort News
Published by Fr. Lodofikus NDONA, SMM in Indonesia · Friday 24 Jun 2022
Tags: NUIDO867
[FR]  [ES]

FLORES, Indonesia - The Novisiat Montfortan, Labe, Carep, Ruteng, Flores, Indonesia, celebrated its 20th Birthday on June 10, 2022. This celebration was marked by sports activities that was held a few weeks before, such as football and volleyball among the novices as well as among the surrounding religious communities, especially the Catechiste Sisters, FMVI Sisters, novitiate community of Daughters of Wisdom, and Somascan Missionaries. The highlight of the event was the Eucharistic celebration presided by the Provincial Superior of Indonesia, Father Antonius TENSI, SMM. He was accompanied by all formators in the novitiate and other confrere priests who were present in the occasion.
Citing the first reading from the First Letter of Saint Paul to the Corinthians (I Cor 1:1-9) and the Gospel of Luke (Luke 10:17-24), in his homily, Father Anton said, “We deserve to be grateful for God's abundant grace of love in the life history of this novitiate community. During these 20 years, God has shown His great works by giving birth to prospective priests and brothers for SMM and for His Church. From the womb of this community, a lot of Montfortian brothers and priests of Indonesia have been formed and have been sent to the mission of the Church,” and pointing to the 16 novices, he contiunued saying that, “Many other prospectives Montfort Missionaries, including you, will be formed in this house for the service of God and His Church.”
He further said that God's work was real through the people who were involved, either directly or indirectly, in the formation work in this house. In this regard, he reminded the novices that there are many people involved in the process of their formation. There are religious communities, some Catholics faithful around the community and donors who support the formation process of Montfortian candidates here.
On that occasion, he reminded fellow religious and all the people present to remain diligent and faithful in serving God. "An important key in the life of faith and religious life is our faithfulness to God. He never gets tired and stops to love and accompany us. He is always with us," he stressed.
The thanksgiving ceremony, which was held for the first time, was followed by a simple reception together. On that occasion, Fr. Lodofikus NDONA, SMM, as community superior and novice master, reminded that the thanksgiving celebration for this Community Anniversary was aimed at helping all of its members to see and relize how God works in the history of the community. "This celebration is meant to help us to be aware of God's works in our daily life. Even though there are so many challenges of ups and downs, we still believe that God is always with us and that there are hands of God who help and strengthen us. This is what we deserve to be grateful for."
Thank you for the kindness and support of so many people this community has received. Hopefully with the support of many people, through different ways and forms, this community can continue its mission, which is to prepare prospective Montfortian priests and brothers. That is the hope of Fr. Anton at dinner with all those present.
At the same moment, the community sent Fr. Herman Joseph NUWA NUPA, SMM (Herman) who has transferred to Montfortian Aspirancy Community in Labuan Bajo and also welcomed Fr. Heredi SUHARTONO, SMM (Edy), who joined the community as one of the formators after completing his master’s studies in the Philippines a couple of months ago.
Fr. Lodofikus NDONA, SMM

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