Promoting our Spirituality - “Living the Consecration: Committed and Holy”

La Gateada, Nicaragua - At our two parishes in Nicaragua, Santiago Apóstol, in the town of Sto. Tomás and Mary, Queen of All Hearts in the village of La Gateada, a group of lay persons began a process of accompaniment and ongoing formation in Montfortian spirituality and mission. This process will be led by the missionary team working in this part of central Nicaragua: Father Alonso Lazo Orozco and Father Harry Flores, assisted by Brother Oscar Cardenas. The group is quite animated and filled with excitement to begin this process of formation for mission. Many of those who gathered have been assisting at different ministries in our parishes for a long time. Some were invited last year to travel to Ecuador for the “Latin-American Gathering of Montfortian Spirituality.” It was the first time that a group of lay persons from our mission in Nicaragua traveled to an international gathering of other dedicated women and men who are trying to live their baptismal commitment and Montfortian Consecration. They returned to Nicaragua even more committed and animated to diffuse Montfort’s missionary zeal among their neighbors and throughout the country. The formation program that we will follow consists of many of the study points from that gathering in Ecuador. The same points will be used by other Latin-American SMM entities so that, everywhere you find a montfortian presence, you will also discover an atmosphere filled with our founder’s desire for the Reign of Jesus through Mary.
Fr. Alonso Lazo Orozco, SMM
Delegate for the Montfortian mission in Nicaragua