08 May - General Chapter 2023
Today, the work of the General Chapter resumes after a magnificent day of very sunny break which allowed visits and small pilgrimages.
Some changes in the flow of work, as we prepare for the election of the Superior General scheduled for the next day. After the morning prayer and breakfast at 9 am, it was the celebration of the Eucharist, animated by the three delegations, Dutch, Belgian and German. During the Mass, they remembered thirty confreres who died in their entities since the last chapter.
At 10.30 a.m. in plenary, Fr. Jean Claude presented the modalities for the election of the Superior General. Accepted by the assembly, we divided ourselves according to the groups already constituted the previous days to trace a profile of the new general team and the main objectives and challenges entrusted to them.
Once shared in the assembly the results of the work of the five groups, Fr. Jean Claude invited us to issue an exploration vote on two names of candidates on a ballot paper. The Facilitator, together with the former Superior Generals, Fr. CONSIDINE and Fr. BREMBILLA, scrutinized the ballot papers and approached the confreres who received votes to test their availability. At 3:00 p.m., three names in alphabetical order and without the number of preferences received are displayed.
From this moment, we entered into a climate of prayer and reflection in view of the canonical election of tomorrow. May the invoked Holy Spirit assist us and above all may he be listened to.
Montfort Communications