2019 Preparation for Perpetual Profession: Renewed, Strengthened, Resolved
Published by Bro. Innocent Ignatius Mwanoka, SMM in Africa Anglophone · Monday 08 Jul 2019 · 2:30
Tags: NU, AFA, 549
Tags: NU, AFA, 549
MANGOCHI, Malawi – On May 05-June 30, 2019, it has been a sacred time dedicated for the preparation of our Final Profession at Montfort Lake House in Namiasi, Mangochi. For us, this has been a moment of sure hope and certainty of God’s love and His desire for us to live for Him in the footsteps of the poor Apostles. Like our father and founder, St. Louis-Marie de Montfort, we listened with a new spirit to the Lord’s invitation to leave everything behind and follow Him throughout this time (Lk 5:11). Now, we feel renewed, strengthened and resolved to be with Him for life.
With the spirited commitments of Fr. Charlie Beirne, SMM, Fr. Louis Nkukumila, SMM and Fr. Blaise Jailosi, SMM, we were graciously invited into the essentials of our Montfortian religious life and the mission that awaits us as Church ministers. We reflected on prayer life, the evangelical counsels of poverty, chastity and obedience. Again, we reflected on the pillars of apostolic community life, mission and ministry as ordained ministers and the irreplaceable role of our Blessed Mother Mary in this undertaking. These essentials were anchored on the aspect of self-knowledge which Montfort boldly says as the foundation of all God’s graces (TD 228).
Armored with the values of the gospel and the burning spirit of our founder, we feel like “true children of Mary” ready to glide anywhere the Spirit sends us to proclaim the good news. We shall strive to reach and touch the lives of the poor of our day. We shall do that with our bodies, hearts and souls. We shall assure them that the love of Wisdom Eternal prevails even in the darkest moments of their lives. We still count on the unfailing graces of our Mother Mary.
We feel deeply grateful to all the people who have accompanied and continue to support us in our formation, notably all our formators, Fr. Mario Belotti, SMM, our Novice Master, all the confreres whom we have stayed and shared with in all the communities, parents, friends and relatives. And for this blessed time, we say thank you to Fr. Charlie, Fr. Louis and Fr. Blaise for their availability and generosity to share with us the Montfortian spirituality nourished by their own life experiences. We also express our heartfelt gratitude to the Namiasi community particularly to Bro. Henry Chagoma, SMM for his hospitality and brotherhood. We don’t take it for granted.
Keep us in your prayers as we make the Final Profession on Friday, July 12, 2019, at Sitima Parish in Zomba. Three brothers, we have proudly been: Damian, Bernard, Innocent.
Bro. Damiano Michael Abraham, SMM
Bro. Bernard Bassiano Maganga, SMM
Bro. Innocent Ignatius Mwanoka, SMM