Africa Anglophone Confreres deliver relief items to Flood Victims

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Africa Anglophone Confreres deliver relief items to Flood Victims

Montfort News
Published by Fr. Nobert Kashaija, SMM in Africa Anglophone · Friday 24 May 2019 ·  2:00
Tags: NUAFA536

NSANJE, Malawi - With the financial contribution coming from the Montfortian entities of Holland, Germany and USA, the Montfort Missionaries in Malawi together with the Daughters of Wisdom delivered a timely assistance to the flood victims staying at Ngabu Evacuation Centre in Nsanje district in Malawi last May 1, 2019. Ngabu Evacuation Centre has over 1170 households which include children, headed families, pregnant women, nursing women, the elderlies and many vulnerable people. After an area inspection that revealed more than ten camps, each with over 500 people affected by the floods in the district, the Montfortian team decided to help those who were in most need.
The floods, mainly in Nsanje and Chikwawa districts were the results of tropical cyclones Idai and Kenneth which affected the southern part of Africa. The strong winds and heavy rains caused a lot of damage in the region with over three million people affected. Several people died and some of the survivors lost all their properties and crops leading to displacement and lack of food supply. The most affected countries were Mozambique, Zimbabwe and Malawi.
The items delivered to the victims included maize, beans, cooking pots, hoes, pangs, seeds for planting and financial aid. All of these were meant to respond to the immediate needs of the people in the camps as well as to facilitate return to their homes.                                 
The Montfortian entities of Holland, Germany and USA donated generously for this cause following the appeal from Africa Anglophone Delegation. The head of the camps and the representative of the District Commissioner thanked the members of the Montfortian team for the timely delivery of assistance. They also promised the victims to bring them back home once the water has subsided in their areas.
Among those present during the delivery of relief goods were Delegation Superior Fr. Lonely Paul Mashonga, SMM, Fr. Nobert Kashaija, SMM, and Sr. Mary Chimalizeni, the Provincial of the Daughters of Wisdom.
For more information, follow this link
Fr. Nobert Kashaija, SMM
Assistant Parish Priest
Bvumbwe Parish


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