ROME, Italie - Le 14 octobre 2024, les Jeunes Montfortains travaillant en Europe (JME) ont tenu leur première réunion en ligne. Comme recommandé par le Chapitre général 2023 dans la section « Transmission du charisme », cette rencontre, animée par l'administration générale, a pour objectif de promouvoir l'entraide entre les jeunes missionnaires d'un même continent, ...

DINAN, France - The beatification investigations of Claude and Marguerite de La Garaye, born in 1675 and 1681 respectively, married in 1701, friends of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort, opened on Sunday, September 22, 2024, in the Church of Saint-Malo in Dinan.

LORETO – Italy. From 15 to 20 September, the spiritual exercises for the confreres of the Italian Province took place in Loreto, in the house that was the Montfortian scholasticate for thirty years and which today belongs to the Salesians.

LORETO, Italy - From 13 to 15 September, the annual gathering of Montfort associates of Italy was held in Loreto. As Fr. Angelo SORTI, SMM, Provincial of Italy, pointed out in his welcoming address, this year's theme was intended to be a preparation for the Jubilee Year 2025, ...

CALVARY OF PONCHATEAU, France. On March 27, 2023 the three General Councils of the Montfortian Family as well as three Provincial Councils of France met with the three communities of the Calvary of Pontchâteau to listen to the proposal of the prospective group around the Reflection on the deployment...

PONTCHATEAU, France – On January 15, Sr. Christine PICHERY pronounced her perpetual vows in the Congregation of the Daughters of Wisdom in the Church of Pontchâteau. The Mass was celebrated by Mgr. Laurent PERCEROU, Bishop of Nantes. Sister Christine is French and works at Saint Martin College in Pontchâteau...

MONTFORT-SUR-MEU, France, February 1, 2023 – A plaque displayed on the facade of the Maison Natale reads “On January 31, 1673 here was born Louis Grignion who became Saint Louis-Marie de Montfort”. Where do we know of his birth and name? It is thanks to the Act of Holy Baptism which is kept at the Town Hall of ...