ROME, Italy - A video produced at the Scholasticate de Rome recounting the pilgrimage in France "On the footsteps of Saint Louis Marie de Montfort", which was released from 22 August to 3 September 2024, on the first few links to the life of the founder of three religious congregations: ....

LORETO – Italy. From 15 to 20 September, the spiritual exercises for the confreres of the Italian Province took place in Loreto, in the house that was the Montfortian scholasticate for thirty years and which today belongs to the Salesians.

LORETO, Italy - From 13 to 15 September, the annual gathering of Montfort associates of Italy was held in Loreto. As Fr. Angelo SORTI, SMM, Provincial of Italy, pointed out in his welcoming address, this year's theme was intended to be a preparation for the Jubilee Year 2025, ...

FOGGIA, Italy - On Saturday, May 11, 2024, for the city of Foggia, the “Day of Mercy” took place at the Sanctuary of the Blessed Virgin Mary Crowned Mother of God. This wonderful meeting was attended by prisoners accompanied by their chaplains. They were also accompanied by volunteers from Santeramo in Colle of the Association of Mary Queen of All Hearts and by the Montfortian novices Matteo and Martino, who already during the year visit the prisoners every Tuesday afternoon, listening to their stories, sharing with simplicity, faith and the rosary...

ROME, Italy - Fr. Antonio BETTONI, SMM, the newly ordained Montfortian priest from Bergamo, celebrated Thanksgiving Mass on May 12, 2024 at San Luigi di Montfort parish, Monte Mario in Rome...

CALABRIA, Italy - Just before he clocked 50, marking the Golden jubilee birthday celebration and 25th anniversary of religious life in the Company of Mary, Fr. Oscar SAGWANTI, SMM, from Africa Anglophone Delegation, received obedience to go to Italy for a new mission. He had mixed feelings as his request to first celebrate the silver jubilee was not granted. However, motivated and recalling the point of actions of the Acts of the General Chapter 1993, acting together and availability, he joyfully accepted and currently enjoys the mission in Bianco community, Calabria, Italy. Fr. Jailos MPINA, SMM had a conversation with Fr. Oscar...

BIANCO, Italy - For the first time, the Province of Italy received two confreres from Africa Anglophone Delegation for the “mission” in Italy. Fr. Oscar SANGWANTI, SMM and Fr. Fortune Partison GONDWE, SMM arrived in Rome on 22 March 2022 and began their Italian language study at Dante Alighieri school while staying at the Scholasticate International Community in Via Romagna. They were officially welcomed in Bianco International Community on 10th July 2022 as members of the community and pastors of Tutti i Santi (All Saints) Parish in the Diocese of Locri-Gerace in Calabria. Fr. Jailos MPINA, SMM had an interview with Fr. Fortune...

CALABRIA, Italy - On 26th March 2024 at 6:30 pm, Bianco international community held a commemoration Holy Mass in honour of Bro. Maurizio RUBINI, SMM at the Marian sanctuary of Madonna delle Grazie in Caraffa, Calabria of Locri-Gerace diocese...