SAN GIOVANNI ROTONDO, Italy - On March 24 and 25, 2023, the XIV Congress of Montfortian Missionaries and the Maria Queen of Hearts Association (AMQAH) was held in San Giovanni Rotondo. Here is the report of this event which brought together about 250 participants....

BERGAMO, Italy – Father Battista CORTINOVIS, SMM at the age of 80 is always a dynamic director of “The Apostle of Mary” in Italy, a Montfortian Marian and Missionary Magazine that stands out for its international scope and its attention to the themes of modernity. Recently, he published this article on the new evangelization in Europe which can interest our reflection in all latitudes of the world...

CZĘSTOCHOWA, Poland - Last November 22, at Częstochowa, the Brothers of Saint Gabriel, represented by their Vicar General, Br. Dionigi TAFFARELLO, and the Montfort Missionaries of the Italian Province, represented by the Provincial Fr. Mario BELOTTI, SMM and the bursar, Fr. Angelo SORTI, SMM, signed the deed of transfer of ownership of a house located at about two kilometers away from the Holy Cross Basilica where the most famous icon of the Black Madonna is kept and venerated...

MEDJUGORJE, Bosnia and Herzegovina - The "Totus Tuus" Spiritual Center of the Association "Mary Queen of All Hearts" of Trinitapoli (Italy), is located in Medjugorje and was created by the Decree of the Superior General of July 2, 2020 with the authorization of Bishop Henryk HOSER, the Apostolic Visitor, with the ordinary functions of the site...

ITALY - The Superior General recently authorized the opening of two new communities for the Province of Italy. Following a long discernment and in response to wanting to "dare to risk for God and humanity", the Italian Province has in fact accepted to engage in the pastoral unit "Val del Riso" in the diocese of Bergamo and the sanctuary "Madonna di Caravaggio in Codogno”, in the diocese of Lodi. These two new foundations are placed in the spirit of the 350th anniversary of the birth of Montfort and the 75th anniversary of his canonization...

SANTERAMO, Italy - On Sunday, September 11, 2022, our religious family had the joy of welcoming Paweł and Wojciech, two young Poles who made their first religious vows at the end of their year of novitiate...

SANTERAMO, Italy - On Thursday, September 8, feast of the Nativity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Damian, Mikolaj and Alessandro, at the end of the year of postulancy in the community of Rome, officially began their novitiate in Santeramo in Colle (Bari)...

ARDESIO (BERGAMO), Italy - On July 29, 2022, journalist and reporter Giorgio FORNONI presented a documentary entitled “The Calvary of Pontchâteau”, in the parish theater of Ardesio in front of an audience of more than one hundred people...