REGGIO CALABRIA, Italy - "Casa di Benedetta" represents the biggest dream come true of the Abakhi Association. The project started exclusively with the concession of the Montfort Fathers of Reggio Calabria, of a building within their property, located at the heart of the city...

BERGAMO, Italy – Monday, June 7, 2021. The Province of Italy has offered a day of permanent formation entitled “Cast the digital net… I will make you fishers of men”. On behalf of the Provincial Commission for Evangelization, which organized the meeting, Fr. Aldo Bolis tells us how the initiative was born, how it unfolded and the fruits that we hope for from this formation...

MEDJUGORJE, Bosnia-Herzegovina - It is official, the Totus Tuus Spirituality Center of the Association of “Mary Queen of All...

BERGAMO, Italy - Fr. José MIZZOTTI, an Italian missionary in Peru, after his experience of being found positive with the COVID-19...

SANTERAMO IN COLLE, Italy - Our confrere Father Daniele Carraro, SMM, 73 years of age is in charge of the ministry of exorcism in a...

FRANCE - The 37th Montfortian March took place in France from 21st to 28th of July 2019 with the theme, "Le pays nantais dans le...