Children’s Day at Maria Bhavan in Bangalore

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Children’s Day at Maria Bhavan in Bangalore

Montfort News
Published by Bro. Ravi T. SMM in India · Tuesday 25 Nov 2014
Tags: NUIDA188

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BANGALORE, India - On Sunday November 16, 2014, the community of the scholasticate marked this year Children’s Day celebrations by organizing a special day of activities for over a hundred orphans from different institutions run by religious fathers and sisters. Some lay people witnessed the celebration and twenty volunteers helped us keep the children safe and sound during the whole day.
We began the program with the inaugural address by Fr. Richard SMM, followed by group activities that lasted the whole morning. Several Brothers took an active role in leading various groups of children in different games and competitions. We spent the whole morning playing together in an atmosphere of happiness and joy and at noon we had a pause to share a meal and continue to show the children our love and concern.
After lunch we had a colorful cultural program of dancing, singing and acting inaugurated by Fr. Michael SMM, superior of the scholasticate. The various groups of children who alternated on stage exhibited abilities and talents of great quality. At the end of the program, our special guest, Fr. Luigi Gritti SMM, who was with us for the whole day, assisted us distribute prizes to thank the children for their participation and to encourage them.  
In the evening, before leaving, we had another moment of togetherness, with tea and snacks served to all, and we greeted each other goodbye.
The day was wonderful and very much appreciated; all children were happy and throughout the day they enjoyed moments of togetherness and true belonging.
A big thanks to Bro Prashanth and Bro Ravi, who were in charge of the organization, and to all the Brothers and Fathers who, at various levels, gave their contribution for the success of the day.
Children are a precious gift from God to all. Let us join hands in protecting them and in promoting their well-being in the present and for the future.

-Bro. Ravi T. SMM



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