Diaconate Ordination at Guru Mandir
MYSORE, India - December 10, 2017 was a special day for the Montfortian family because the six of us namely, Arun D’souza, Jayakumar, Gnana Prakash, Bala Raju, Arul Jose Nashwin, and Ravi Thappeta were ordainded deacons by Rev. Bishop William, the Bishop of Mysore. The ceremony took place at Guru Mandir in Mysore where our minor seminary is situated. Our General Councilors Fr. Wismick Jean Charles and Fr. Rozario Menezes were present along with our Provincial Fr. Michael, his Vicar and the Provincial Bursar. There were around sixteen priests and fifty faithful together with our families who actively took part in the celebration.
The bishop in his introduction expressed that “it is indeed a joyful day for the Montfortian family because there are six brothers who have come forward to commit themselves for the service of God and humanity”. In his homily he stressed on the significance of being a deacon that is, to proclaim the word of God by being with Jesus and bringing Jesus to others. Secondly to live in the community is to share the love through service by being faithful to our vows.
The day was organized by the Guru Mandir community. We specially thank Fr. Dominic, the Rector and Fr. Amalraj, the Administrator of the community. Indeed it was a day to remember and to cherish in our lives. We thank God for the blessings upon each of us.
-Dn. Gnana Prakash SMM