First Profession of three Brothers in Uganda

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First Profession of three Brothers in Uganda

Montfort News
Published by Bro. Emmanuel ANTHONY, SMM in Africa Anglophone · Friday 13 Sep 2024 ·  3:30
Tags: NUAFA1184

MBARARA, Uganda - A solemn event took place in the Africa Anglophone General Delegation on August 6, 2024, the solemnity of the Transfiguration at Montfort Novitiate House, Mbarara in Uganda. Three brothers from Malawi, namely Emmanuel ANTHONY, Phillip Posiano YOLA, and Eric FUNDI, made their first profession. In front of a large congregation, these brothers publicly declared their commitment through the pronouncement of the three evangelical counsels of poverty, obedience, and chastity in the Company of Mary.
The day was graced by Fr. Lonely Paul MASHONGA, SMM, the Assistant General who presided over the Eucharistic Celebration together with other confreres, among others. Besides him, there was Fr. Mario BELOTTI, SMM, from the Italian Province who accompanied the three novices in their retreat/Montfortian Month. In addition, Fr. Ernest AKHONYA, SMM, the Novice master, and Fr. Ronald MUSINGUZI, SMM, the Socius, and the confreres from Kabuyanda catholic parish (Fr. Ludovic AHINMBISIBWE, SMM and Alex MUHWEZI, SMM). A good number of people both lay and the religious men and women from Nyamitanga hill and beyond.
In his homily, Fr. Mario emphasized on the four means of acquiring the Incarnate Wisdom as St. Louis-Marie de Montfort puts it. He encouraged the novices to live up to such recommended means. These means include an ardent desire which is characterized by its holiness, and sincerity and fostered by faithful adherence to God’s commandments; continuous prayer with faith, love, and hope; universal mortification which calls for self-sacrifice, putting to death all that can hinder from attaining Wisdom; lastly, a loving and genuine devotion to the Blessed Mother, Virgin Mary which is the most perfect way to attain Jesus Christ. Fr. Mario challenged us that there are many ways that one can live up to the baptismal promises or consecrated life. However, the most perfect way is by embracing a slavery of love through perfectly consecrating one’s entire being to our Lord Jesus Christ through his Blessed Mother, the Virgin Mary, freely and responsibly for the glory of God. Mary teaches how to live the apostolate with a sense of inner balance and wisdom. She reminds us that we are to carry to people Christ himself.
Besides the homily, Fr. Paul also gave his remarks. Among many things, he thanked God for showing his greatness and mystery through our profession. He also thanked the novice master and his assistant together with Fr. Mario for the great work they had done, accompanying us on our discernment journey till that day and in our Montfortian month - for the latter. He then encouraged us, the newly professed to remain steadfast in our faith, to always remember that God who called us will see to it that we are never left alone on our journey, and to imitate our mother Mary in radiating the presence of Christ to those whom we stay with and serve, and so be a beacon of hope and inspiration. Most importantly, he encouraged us to live a life worthy of the calling to which we have made our vows, for the more Christ is formed in us, the more our lives will become the magnification of Him.
Mr. John Baptist MUJUNI, representing the parents of the newly professed brothers, encouraged the brothers to be faithful to the commitment that they had made. He called them to take the Blessed Virgin Mary as their spiritual mother just as the disciple John did at the foot of the cross. To complement his advice, Mr. John Baptist presented statues of the Blessed Virgin and Rosaries as gifts to the newly professed brothers. And after the Eucharistic celebration, a meal of celebration was shared.
Bro. Emmanuel ANTHONY, SMM

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