Four Confreres renew Vows in Kenya
Published by Bro. Wilson Tembo, SMM in Africa Anglophone · Monday 19 Aug 2019 · 1:45
Tags: NU, AFA, 568
Tags: NU, AFA, 568
NAIROBI, Kenya - On August 15, 2019, the Montfort Scholasticate community in Nairobi celebrated the Solemnity of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary as four brothers renew their Vows.
The celebration began with a Holy Mass at 10:30 AM and the following SMM Scholastic Brothers were privileged to renew their vows, namely Montfort Funsamtima and Horrice Mkandawire who renewed their vows for the second time whereas Wilson Tembo and Precious Fukizi renewed for the first time. Likewise, Mr. Montfort George Ndinika, a lay associate, made also his Consecration to Jesus through Mary.
The Holy Mass was presided by Fr. Jacob Otieno, SMM, the Superior of the Nairobi Scholasticate community. Concelebrants were SMM Fathers Louis Nkukumila, Leonard Msinguzi, Norbert Tukwatanise and a Pallotine Father, Fr. Hermes.
In his homily, Fr. Jacob recommended the act taken by Mr. Montfort George Ndinika for entrusting his life to be guided by our Lady. To the brothers who were renewing their vows, Fr. Jacob also stated that Vows are signs of total union with Jesus, and so, the four brothers ought to live them with joy in imitation of Mary who was obedient to God in all without any reservations.
Attending the Mass were other scholastics, lay associates, members from different congregations and friends. The celebration was concluded with the sharing of a meal. Indeed, Glory to Jesus in Mary, Glory to Mary in Jesus, Glory to God alone.
Since the fourth century, Christians celebrate the Solemnity of the Assumption of Mary on the 15th of August. On this day, Christians commemorate the faith that, when Mary the mother of Jesus died, her body was not subjected to the usual process of physical decay but rather, it was assumed into heaven body and soul. Being a Marian congregation, the Montfort Missionaries consider this Solemnity with great reverence.
Bro. Wilson Tembo, SMM