MALAWI: Pre-Postulancy Period 2018
BALAKA, Malawi - The Pre-Postulancy programme in Malawi started on 1st May 2018. It is expected to end on 31st July 2018. There are four Pre-Postulants of whom two are from Balaka Parish and two are from Limbe Cathedral. For the past years the programme was done at Montfort Lake House (Namiasi) in Mangochi, but the programme was transferred to Inter-Congregation Institute (ICI) in Balaka. It was done with the aim of having different facilitators who are easily available in Balaka. Thus, we have managed to have Montfortian Priests and Brothers who are working at Balaka Parish as well as those working at ICI. Indeed, we have worked as a team, and, I think, it is a better way to go in our formation houses.
During the period of Pre-Postulancy, there are different areas to look at, like: Catechism, Biographies of St Louis Marie and Blessed Marie Louise, Montfortian Spirituality, Mariology, Religious Life and Community Life, Introduction to Scripture, Human Development, Liturgy and Prayer Life and Critical thinking and Reasoning Skills. English course is also included to polish the communication skills of the pre-postulants. Apart from that, they have also time for sports, recreation, manual work, the daily celebration of the Holy Mass, Morning and Evening Prayers and the Month-End Recollection.
In knowing the candidates more, we conduct home visitation. This helps relatives also to know more about the path the candidates are following and be able to understand them too.