Pre-Postulancy of Africa Anglophone Delegation welcomes 12 Candidates

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Pre-Postulancy of Africa Anglophone Delegation welcomes 12 Candidates

Montfort News
Published by Fr. Damian Michael ABRAHAM SMM in Africa Anglophone · Monday 23 Sep 2024 ·  2:00
Tags: NUAFA1187

BALAKA, Malawi - Friday 13 September was a joyful day to remember at Br. Mathurin pre-postulancy community of the delegation of Anglophone Africa as it welcomed 12 candidates into formation program.
The welcoming Holy Mass was presided over by Fr. Blaise JAILOSI SMM, the Superior of Br Mathurin pre-postulancy Community. He was assisted by several priests from the communities in Balaka. In his homily, Fr. Blaise urged the new candidates to be responsible with their vocation journey. He emphasized that no one in the community called them but God himself. He further urged them to be like Jesus not like any member of the community. “We are all called to be holy and merciful as our father is merciful so we must do things that are related to holiness and commit ourselves to God’s calling.”
Speaking on behalf of his brothers, Gellan CHAPASUKA expressed profound gratitude to the Montfortian family for warmly welcoming them into the formation program of the company of Mary. “We appreciate the love, support and guidance that surround us. We are blessed to be part of a community that values kindness, compassion and understanding.”
After the Eucharistic celebration a delicious meal was shared. Of the 12 candidates, 3 come from Malawi, 3 come from Kenya, 4 come from Uganda and 2 come from Zambia. From Malawi, we have Gellan CHAPASUKA, Yohane CHIMG’ONDA and Vincent Manyozo. From Kenya, we have Ignatius JUMA, Augustine KIMUTAI and Emmanuel WAMBUA. From Uganda, we have Nicholas NASAASIRA, Ambrose TWINOMUGISHA, Ignitius AYEBAZIBWE and Gaston MUJUNI. From Zambia, we have Elias PHIRI and Japhet BANDA.
The 2024-25 pre-postulancy formation program runs up to July next year with Christmas and Easter breaks in the process. We thank God for the gifts of these young men. We ask for your prayers and support to help these young men to discern well.            
Fr. Damian Michael ABRAHAM SMM
Pre -postulancy master

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