Presentation of Thesis
Published by Bro. Anselm WAHINJAUSE, SMM in Papua New Guinea · Thursday 18 Jul 2024 · 2:45
Tags: NU, PNG, 1172
Tags: NU, PNG, 1172
BOMANA, Papua New Guinea - On 11th July 2024, the two scholastics, Bro. Majoric MANIRAMBOGOYE, SMM and Bro. Bienvenu LUKINU OWANGA, SMM, defended their thesis for the completion of their theological studies at Catholic Theological Institute in Bomana, Papua New Guinea.
Bro. Majoric presented the thesis on the “Trinitarian Communion as Model for Christian Communion and Ecumenical Journey”. Through his presentation, he pointed out the oneness and mutual indwelling (Perichores) of the three persons of the Holy Trinity and showed how the three are distinct but inseparable. Then, he showed how Christians from different denominations are, by nature, called to communion, which is the wish and prayer of Christ himself. He showed the necessity of ‘Christian unity’ and some means towards it. Accordingly, he suggested the ‘Reconciled unity in diversity’ as possible way for establishing Christian unity. “That they all may be one” (Jn 17:21).
Bro. Bienvenu presented the Thesis on “Christian Freedom and Human Liberation Process”. Through his presentation, he pointed out that Christian freedom is the concrete imitation of Christ’s life which consists in being free from sin, worldly things and selfishness in order to be free for serving and loving God and others (Liberos). He presented God’s will as Christian foundation of Freedom and Human Liberation Process. For him, True Freedom in Christian viewpoint is not the right of doing whatever we want, but on the contrary, it consists in doing God’s will. Bro. Bienvenu affirms that: “Whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything worthy of praise that is the true freedom.” (CCC. Para.1803)
Among those present on the day of their presentation were Dr. Will BRITT (Dean of Studies), Rev. Dr. Father Wladyslaw MADZIAR, SVD, Rev. Dr. Father Wojciech RADOMSKI and Rev. Father Angelo SANCHEZ, SDB, their moderator.
The presentation was honored by the presence of all the members of their community who came to support and congratulate them. At the end of their presentation, both scholastics greatly appreciated the community support, especially from their formators, namely Fr. Robert PERIANAYAGAM, SMM, Fr. Laurensius OLA RUING, SMM and Fr. Roshan PINTO, SMM.
Exceedingly happy, the two brothers thanked God for the gift of Life, vocation and His assistance. They also thanked the Company of Mary for the special care and support, and all the people who contributed to the successful achievement of their thesis.
While people were congratulating them, both were repeatedly saying: “Thanks be to God!!! Glory be to God!!! Magnificat !!!”. It was a splendid, joyful and jubilant occasion.
For the moment, the two brothers are waiting to make the next step in their formation journey.
“Totus Tuus”.