Priestly Ordination of Deacon Alex Muhwezi, SMM

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Priestly Ordination of Deacon Alex Muhwezi, SMM

Montfort News
Published by Fr. Horrice MKANDAWIRE, SMM in Africa Anglophone · Wednesday 03 Jul 2024 ·  2:30
Tags: NUAFA1168

UGANDA - On the 30th of June 2024, it was a joyous day in the African Anglophone Delegation particularly in Uganda. On the said date, Deacon Alex MUHWEZI, SMM was ordained a priest.
The Holy Mass which began at 10 am was presided over by His Lordship Callist RUBARAMIRA, the Bishop of the Catholic diocese of Kabale. In his words, the bishop prayed that the newly ordained be dedicated men of prayer, and to pray for the church.
Deacon Alex was the only Montfortian ordained on that day, with other 5 deacons, 3 from the congregation of the Apostles of Jesus and 2 from the Holy Ghost Fathers, making them 6 in total.
In his speech, Fr. Jacob Ombidi OTIENO, SMM, the Delegation Superior, thanked the bishop for giving the sacrament of holy orders to his confrere. He was emphatically glad to the bishop to have allowed the ordination of Fr. Alex in June, even though the diocesan ordinations are planned to be in August. But when it was asked by the entity to ordain Fr. Alex in June, the bishop was open-minded and adjusted his program to June. Fr. Jacob finished his speech by giving an obedience to Fr. Alex that he will continue to serve the people of Kabuyanda parish, a Montfortian parish in Mbarara archdiocese in Uganda.
Moreover, Fr. Alex's words were simple after receiving the ministry he had long waited for. ‘God gives to His people what they ask Him.’ Indeed, Fr. Alex is a strong believer in hope which keeps the people of God feel motivated to carry on with their lives. It is not a mere psychological optimism, but a true mystery rooted in Christ who suffered, died and rose, and this is our faith as Christians. Fr. Alex also thanked his parents for the gift which they gave to the church which is the gift of a child to be at the service of God and His People.
Fr. Alex did his philosophy in Malawi, novitiate in the Philippines, theology in Kenya and has been doing his parish ministry in Uganda since 2022.
Among the Montfortians who were present during the celebration were Fr. Lonely Paul MASHONGA, SMM, General Councillor, together with Fathers Horrice MKANDAWIRE, SMM, Nobert TUKWATANISE, SMM, Ludoviko AHIMBISIBWE, SMM, Ronald MUSINGUZI, SMM, Earnest AKHONYA, SMM and Joseph KUDZALA, SMM.
Everyone is thankful to God for the gift of a new priest in town.

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