Renewal of Consecration: A Solemn Celebration on the Feast of the Immaculate Conception
Published by Nicholas NASAASIRA in Africa Anglophone · Tuesday 17 Dec 2024 · 2:30
Tags: NU, AFA, 1232
Tags: NU, AFA, 1232
MALAWI - December 9, 2024, the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception of the Blessed Virgin Mary, was a day of great joy and devotion for the Lay Associates of the Montfort Missionaries in Sitima Parish. On this special day, the associates gathered to renew their consecration, deepening their commitment to the Montfortian spirituality and way of life.
The celebration began with the sacrifice of the Mass, led by the parish priest of Sitima, Fr. Owen, SMM. The Eucharistic celebration was a beautiful expression of the associates' faith and devotion to the Lord through Mary. The Mass was a powerful reminder of the importance of living a life of service, humility, and love, as exemplified by the Blessed Virgin Mary. Fr. Owen SMM reminded the people gathered about the importance of mother Mary in our faith life journey and to follow the example of St. Louis who consecrated himself through our lady, who devoted to his works, served and loved every one with one heart.
Following the Mass, 27 Lay Associates gathered to renew their consecration. This solemn moment was a public declaration of their commitment to living the Montfortian charism, which emphasizes the importance of consecration to Jesus through Mary. The associates promised to live a life of prayer, service, and evangelization, inspired by the example of St. Louis-Marie de Montfort.
The renewal of consecration was a deeply moving experience, as the associates reaffirmed their dedication to the Lord and to the Montfortian family. The ceremony was a beautiful expression of the associates' love for God and their desire to serve Him more faithfully.
The chairperson of the lay associates thanked Fr. Owen, the main celebrant, for the nice celebration and also for accepting their renewal of consecration as he urged members to look for the members who are lost and also expand their association.
The celebration concluded with the lighting of candles, symbolizing the light of Christ that shines in the hearts of the associates. This simple yet powerful gesture reminded everyone present of the importance of being bearers of the light of Christ in a world that often needs guidance and hope.
The renewal of consecration on the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception was a truly unforgettable experience for the Lay Associates of the Montfort Missionaries in Sitima Parish. May their renewed commitment to the Lord inspire them to live a life of greater love, service, and devotion, for the glory of God and the good of all people.