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BALAKA, Malawi - On the 4th of May 2024, the General Delegation of Anglophone Africa welcomed into the Holy Orders Rev. Fr. Amos Hope MAKINA, SMM...
ZOMBA, Malawi - On 8th December 2023, St. Joseph the Worker, Sitima Parish was on fire - the celebration of the Solemnity of Immaculate Conception of Mary was accompanied by the consecration to Jesus through Mary of 34 people from Sitima Parish. This has come after learning about Montfort and Montfortian Spirituality for over a year...
BALAKA, Malawi - Saturday, 09 September was a jubilant day to the Br. Mathurin pre-postulancy community of the delegation of Anglophone Africa as it welcomed 11 candidates into the formation program. The welcoming Mass was presided over by Fr. Paul Lonely MASHONGA, SMM, general assistant from the delegation of Anglophone. He was assisted by a number of priests from the communities in Balaka...
PHALOMBE, Malawi - 250 households in Phalombe, Malawi received food relief items on 18th July 2023. The office of Africa Anglophone Delegation facilitated the distribution of relief items in Phalombe with the donation from families in St. Louis parish, Missouri, USA where Fr. Thomas POTH, SMM grew up...
NAIROBI, Kenya - The fourth and final week of training of formators was animated by Fr. Marco PASINATO, SMM, the new Vicar General of the Company of Mary. The theme was focused on the Montfortian Ratio Formationis, volume II. With our facilitator, we tried to dissect in an explicit way what the Ratio says about each level of formation in Montfortian life...
NAIROBI, Kenya - The second and third week of the training of formators was facilitated by Father Donald LA SALLE, SMM. He was accompanied and introduced by Father Felix Mabvuto PHIRI, SMM...
NAIROBI, Kenya - On 2nd July 2023, formators from all stages of formation, namely pre-postulancy, postulancy, novitiate as well as the scholasticate coming from Anglophone Africa, Francophone Africa and Madagascar, gathered in Nairobi to undergo a month-long training that has been organized by the General Council of the Montfort Missionaries with an aim of allowing formators to share their experiences...
LIMBE, Blantyre - Malawi received continuous heavy rainwater within five days of 11th to 16th March 2023 which has caused disaster in many districts in the southern region. The heavy rains which started on Friday 11th March 2023, which affected Malawi and other neighbouring countries ....
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