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MONTREAL, Canada - The good Pope Francis declared a World Day of the Poor six years ago. Following this request and the example of Father de Montfort and the will of Blessed Marie-Louise Trichet who told us to take good care of the poor, the Mary Queen of Hearts Sanctuary of Montreal set up the “Co-pain de l’espoir” committee which is animated by this Word of the Gospel: Let us not only love in word, but by deeds (Jn 3,18)...
MONTREAL, Canada - A recollection, with the theme With Him, being reborn differently, was held on Saturday, March 26, 2022 at the Sanctuary Marie-Reine-des-Cœurs, with Brother Guy St-Onge, Brother of Saint-Gabriel, as preacher...
MONTRÉAL, Canada - Father Claude Sigouin, SMM was born in Montréal, Canada, son of Henri Sigouin and Aurore Bouchard. He was baptised on 13 March 1936, the day after his birth, at Sainte-Thérèse-de-l’Enfant-Jésus parish. He pronounced his perpetual vows in the Montfortian Congregation (Company of Mary) on 15 August 1961. He was ordained to priesthood on 17 March 1962 by Bishop Rémi Augustin, a Haïtian Montfortian bishop, at Notre-Dame de Lourdes parish in Vanier, Ontario, where we are still ministering...
MONTRÉAL, Canada - Monsignor Deschamps was born on July 4, 1929, in Vanier, Ontario. He was ordained a priest in the Congregation of Montfort Missionaries on March 13, 1954. After studying Canon Law in Rome and Literature at the University of Montreal, he left for a mission in Papua New Guinea, newly founded by the ...
MONTREAL, Canada - Our vice-provincial meeting took place on February 23 and 24, 2022. The Superior General, Fr. Luiz Augusto STEFANI, SMM and Fr. Wismick JEAN-CHARLES, SMM were present. The challenges are great here for our vice-province. The average age is quite high. But there are very few completely retired confreres...
MONTREAL, Canada - As part of the SMM’s Year of Mission in North America, provincial superiors Fr. Georges Madore and Fr. Tom...
MONTREAL, Canada - The congregation asked me to join the Montfortian Mission in Papua New Guinea (PNG) as a young...
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