Three thousand Scouts at the Calvary of Pontchâteau

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Three thousand Scouts at the Calvary of Pontchâteau

Montfort News
Published by P. Santino BREMBILLA, SMM in France · Wednesday 02 Oct 2024 ·  1:30
Tags: NUFRA1196
[FR]  [IT]

PONTCHÂTEAU – France. On Sunday, September 29, the Calvary park of Pontchâteau welcomed about 3,000 Scouts from the five different movements present in France: the “United Scouts of France”, the “Scouts and Guides of Europe”, the “Scouts and Guides of France”, the “Europe-Scouts” and the “Sainte Barbe Company”.
In the spirit of the new evangelization, this exceptional gathering was desired by the Bishop of Nantes, Mons. Laurent PERCEROU. The last time this type of gathering was organized was in 2017 at the Cathedral of Nantes. Since February, a preparation team had been working on the organization.
The morning was occupied by group games and moments of sharing to promote the spirit of brotherhood and unity between the different movements. Despite the rainy weather, smile was on the faces of all the participants, from 6 years old to the youth age.
The celebration of the Eucharist, presided over by the Bishop of Nantes and with the presence of the spiritual assistants of the different movements, was brought forward to avoid the incoming rain, since the celebration was scheduled in front of the “Scala Sancta”, in the open air. The altar and the pulpit had been installed and prepared by the scouts themselves.
The Calvary park and the space in front of the “Scala Sancta” are very well suited to these events, and if it had been sunny it would have been even more beautiful, but the scout training prepares them to face any situation. And the sun was in their hearts.

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