18 May - General Chapter 2023

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18 May - General Chapter 2023

Montfort News
Published by Communications in Rome · Friday 19 May 2023
Tags: NUGEN1026
[FR]  [IT]

May 18
Directed by our leader, Fr. Jean Claude, who does not give up, the morning was busy to complete some work: we can clearly see that the conclusion of the chapter is imminent.
First, the definitive version of the "Letter from the Capitulars to all the confreres" is voted on and signed by everyone.

We then go to the vote, part by part, of the "Acts of the chapter". Fr. Lavigne reminds that it is always possible to propose amendments, but this must be a written proposal, presented to the Superior General and signed by at least three people. Indeed, after the final positive vote, several motions for change were put forward. The Fr. General with the Council of Presidency will evaluate them.

The third task that occupied us at the end of the morning was a message to send to our associates and lay collaborators: we perceived their closeness during our Chapter also thanks to the daily reading in assembly of their messages coming from various parts of the world. I think the recommendation “to leave selfishness at home” will stick in our minds.

In the afternoon, each linguistic group prepares a video message for the laity. The work of Fr. Jailos MPINA, who has often been with us these days, collecting photos, news and other information of the Chapter to be published on the congregation's website, has been very effective. At 5:00 p.m. the new general team meets Fr. Dwi for the first ordinary council. Well done!!!!

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