Silver Jubilee of St. Benedict Parish Church in India

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Silver Jubilee of St. Benedict Parish Church in India

Montfort News
Published by Fr. Amalraj (Madhi) SMM in India · Thursday 23 Feb 2023 ·  2:00
Tags: NUIDA977

TAMILNADU, India - St. Louis Marie Grignion de Montfort being the patron of Preachers, had been the best model for erecting Calvary, carving, painting, etc, as a sign of exposing his utmost love to God alone. So also I am proud to be his ardent follower in every walk of my life, in the similar stream of his spirit in the assigned Mission.

After taking up Puthanatham parish as the parish priest, God has been so gracious to blend two great events together in the main parish church campus. They are; the Silver Jubilee of St. Benedict Parish Church &  the Blessing of the newly erected Marian Bell tower dedicated to the Blessed Virgin Mary with our founder’s statue and quote “To Jesus through Mary” being imprinted on the 11th September 2022.

This sanctifying event was graciously solemnized by the Most Rev. Dr. S. Arockiya Raj (the Bishop of Trichy), Fr. Peter MASCARENEHAS SMM (Provincial Superior, India), Bro. Irudayam SG (Provincial Superior, Trichy), many clergy, brothers, nuns and the laity. It was not a single day event but it preceded 9 days of novena where priests of various preaching skills were invited to inspire and prepare spiritually through Rosary, Consecration Prayer (To Jesus through Mary) and Holy Eucharist. This in turn, was a miraculous spiritual treat for the people of God after the much prolonged COVID restrictions. Parish children (18) were well prepared spiritually to make this golden opportunity in order to receive the sacrament of Holy Confirmation. Various intentions and intercessions of all donors and people were offered and prayed during the novena Holy Eucharist.
This gracious occasion was thus ended by felicitating our bishop, provincials and all the invited guests with a shawl and souvenir. Later a grand meal was served for all (500nos). It was a Thanksgiving and fulfilling spiritual journey for the people and myself as the Parish Priest.

Fr. Amalraj (Madhi) SMM,
Parish Priest, Puthanatham, India

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