2012 - Montfortian News

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News Archive > News Update

NU-AFA-31- Nairobi – Kenya: Continental Assembly for Africa and Madagascar
NU-NED-30- The Netherlands – Vroenhof: “Touched by the humility of God”. A celebration and a forthcoming book
NU-HAI-29- Haïti : « Que les pauvres reprennent à espérer! »
NU-BEL-28- BELGIUM: deux fois la fête - p. Heinz Mennens et p. Phil Bosmans
NU-FRA-27- Noviciat International en France: Profession Religieuse à Saint Laurent-sur-Sèvre
NU-CAN-26- CANADA : Quelques projets au Sanctuaire Marie Reine-des-cœurs de Montréal durant l’année de la foi

NU-CAN-25- CANADA: Continental Assembly Postponed
NU-USA-24- NICARAGUA: Confreres in Nicaragua Learning and Working Together
NU-CAN-23- CANADA– Ottawa: Les 125 de la paroisse Notre-Dame-de-Lourdes
NU-GEN-22- HAITI: Nomination du P. Quesnel Alphonse comme évêque-auxiliaire de Port-au-Prince
NU-IDA-21- INDIA: Priests' Gathering
NU-FRA-20- FRANCE: Première Profession
NU-PBZ-19- Perú – Ñaña: Asamblea Continental de América Latina y el Caribe


NU-PHL-17- PHILIPPINES: Diaconate Ordination

NU-PHL-16- PHILIPPINES: Perpetual Profession

NU-CAN-18- CANADA: Students in IFHIM

NU-MWI-15 - MALAWI: Ordination to the Diaconate
NU-IDO-14 - Indonésie: Sept nouveaux prêtres
NU-PHL-13 - PHILIPPINES: Acceptance to the Postulancy
NU-PHL-12 - PHILIPPINES: Entrance to the Novitiate
NU-PBZ-11 - PERU: Ordenación Presbiteral
NU-GEN-10 - Congo-Colombia: Exchange of Missionaries
NU-GEN-9 - Thanksgiving Celebration of the Daughters of Wisdom: A Family Reunion
NU-PHL-8 - PHILIPPINES: First Profession
NU-PBZ-7 - Lima, Peru: Ordination to the Priesthood
NU-PBZ-6 - Peru: Assembly and Institution of Ministries of Lector and Acolyte

JULY 2012
NU-AFA-5 - MALAWI: Perpetual Profession of four confreres
NU-GEN-4 - Brazil: Thanksgiving Mass
NU-GEN-3 - ROME: l’istituzione al Lettorato e all’Accolitato
NU-GEN-2 - Meeting of Formators in Rome
NU-GEN-1 - Meeting of Bursars in the Philippines: Greater transparency and deeper trust

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