Approval of the GB/I’s Statutes as a Community attached to the Generalate
Published by Fr. Marco PASINATO, SMM in Great Britain and Ireland · Thursday 13 Apr 2023 · 2:00
Tags: NU, GBI, 991
Tags: NU, GBI, 991
ROME, Italy - On March 15 2023, the General Council approved the Statutes of the Entity GB/I, which since 2019 has officially become a Community attached to the Generalate (C 162). Therefore, it is administered directly by the General Administration. Composed of 6 members (five in perpetual vows and one in temporary vows), the entity currently three houses together under the direct authority of the Superior General.
The Statutes clarify that the Superior General as the direct Superior is also responsible for the Estate Association (CIO). He is assisted by the General Councillor in charge of this entity and by the General Bursar, who are members of the Estate Association in Great Britain. Not having a local Superior, the entity has no members by right to the General Chapter and does not elect any delegates. However, a member of the community is invited without the right to vote to the General Chapter by the Superior General (C 239.1).
The Statutes describe the mission of the Superior General as direct Superior of the Community, the mission of the General Councilor in charge of the Community and the mission of the General Bursar as Bursar of the Community. There is also the figure of the Contact Person for the entity, designated by the Superior General and his Council. The mandate of the contact Person is at the discretion of the Superior General.
Other interesting elements in the Statutes are: the article which encourages regular meetings of the members of the Community (recollections, permanent formation, discussions on important subjects, etc.); the article on vocations where a responsible confrere will carry out the task of accompanying possible candidates under the supervision of the General Council and the article on financial management, which foresees a team of lay consultants who manage the Real Estate and the steps for the budget of the community.