Feast of the Assumption

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Feast of the Assumption

Montfort News
Published by Ottawa Community in Canada · Wednesday 30 Aug 2023
Tags: NUCAN1059

OTTAWA, Canada - Every day at Mass, we recited the prayer of the novena for the feast of the Assumption. The Most Reverend Gilles CÔTÉ, SMM, Bishop Emeritus of the Diocese of Daru-Kiunga, Papua New Guinea, presided over the celebration.
Three days before the feast, we had a catechesis and a Mass at the Grotto of Lourdes, attached to the parish. The number of participants was increasing every day. The theme chosen for the catechesis was: LOOK AT MARY. The main idea of the catechesis was to see the importance not only of praying to Mary, asking her for help or offering her flowers and burning candles, but also of looking at her, learning from her and imitating her.
On the first day, we looked at Mary and reflected on her Yes, using the account of the Annunciation. On the second day, we looked at Mary and saw in her Yes, the model of the Church's Yes and our Yes. On the third day, we looked at Mary and saw how she brought Jesus to the others, using the account of the Visitation.
On the day of the Assumption, we had two celebrations. At 3 p.m. we celebrated the Eucharist with the anointing of the sick. At 7:30 p.m., we had the recitation of the rosary, followed by the solemn Mass of the Assumption, with a crowd of 730 people. The theme was Mary is waiting for us in heaven. After Mass, we had the torchlight procession from the Grotto to Calvary.
Ottawa Community

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