Meeting of the Montfortian Fraternity of Deacons

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Meeting of the Montfortian Fraternity of Deacons

Montfort News
Published by Deacons and their wives in France · Friday 17 Feb 2023 ·  3:00
Tags: NUFRA971

PONTCHATEAU, France - On January 28 and 29, the invitation was made to us by Fr. Santino BREMBILLA, SMM to gather together, as permanent diocesan deacons in connection with the Montfortian Family and their wives. It is with joy that those who could, found themselves in Pontchâteau for a first day at Calvary. A great opportunity to get to know Fabrice TACONNET, new deacon ordained for the diocese of Nantes in April 2022 and on mission in the parish of Pontchâteau. After the fraternal welcome by the members of the community, Brothers of Saint Gabriel and Montfort Missionaries, we discovered the pastoral project of the community of Pontchâteau. A whole program with great initiatives and so many vital forces to work towards their achievement!

Fr. Marco PASINATO, SMM present in France for a few days, offered us a spiritual teaching on the Montfortian consecration, a time propitious to the study of a passage from the “True Devotion” n. 120 on the 350th anniversary of the birth of Father de Montfort. The Eucharistic celebration celebrated at the chapel of Calvary made it possible to place all our prayer intentions in the hands of the Lord.

Following the viewing of the film "Le Calvaire de Pontchâteau", Mr. André MARTIN, professor of history and geography, made us understand the history of Calvary "with our feet", from another angle. In the evening, we shared how we can share Montfortian spirituality within our Montfortian Hospitality Centers with Hospitallers and Pilgrims.

The next day, in Montfort-sur-Meu, we participated in the closing Mass of the 350th anniversary of the birth of Father de Montfort presided over by the Archbishop of Rennes, Mgr Pierre D'ORNELLAS. We found there Xavier DE MASSOL and Marie-Josée his wife as well as Jean-Marie QUETIER, our deacon brothers who had come to join us.

To conclude, we share with you the testimony of Marie-Line and Claude TIGNON which reflects the impressions of each other:
It was a very beautiful weekend lived in the Montfortian family, warm and fraternal! In Pontchâteau, we were very impressed by the profusion of projects. We are convinced that the community formed at the Calvary of Pontchâteau, with members of the three Montfortian Congregations, is the powerful driving force behind the creativity of the projects. The will and support of the Bishop of Nantes certainly contribute to this. In Montfort-sur-Meu, after the very beautiful Eucharistic celebration experienced in the morning, Fr. Willy and the group of musicians and choristers enchanted us in the afternoon with the songs and hymns of Montfort. We ask for the CD! It is with hearts rejoicing and comforted in our faith that we have taken the road back to the Vendée. This gives us encouragement for the mission to continue in the Parish/Sanctuary of St Louis-Marie, in St Laurent”.

We would like to thank the members of the communities of Pontchâteau and Montfort-sur-Meu, especially Fr. Santino BREMBILLA, SMM and Br. Jean FRIANT, FSG as well as Fr. Marco PASINATO, SMM for the warm welcome they gave us and the concern that everyone had to take care of giving us a taste of Montfortian spirituality.

Deacons and their wives

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