Perpetual Profession and Diaconal Ordination

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Perpetual Profession and Diaconal Ordination

Montfort News
Published by Fr. Alain Frédéric RANDRIANASOLO, SMM in Madagascar · Wednesday 07 Feb 2024
Tags: NUMAD1129

TAMATAVE, Madagascar – In the Vice-province of Madagascar, the beginning of the year marked the World Day for Consecrated Life by the Perpetual Profession of Bro. Joseph Victor RATAFITANIAINA, SMM on February 2, 2024, in the parish EKAR Sacré Cœur Tanambao V Toamasina. Father Bruno RANDRIANASOLO KIKY, SMM, Superior of the Vice-province of Madagascar, presided over the Mass and received the brother's vows. It was a day of grace for the entity in which several confreres from each community came to honor and celebrate the occasion.
During the celebration, the Mass presider stressed the importance of the celebration, particularly “the presentation at the Temple of the Lord”. During the homily, he said that Simeon and Anne are the two figures for us with their example in serving the Lord through their piety. Piety does not destroy us, yet, it perfects us. These two characters have patience and have fasted. He further mentioned that religious people pray but do not want to be transformed by prayers. We must increase our knowledge of Jesus. Besides, you can't love someone you don't know. He ended with the explanation of the three religious vows, addressing the young professed that one must pray abundantly without getting tired. After the celebration, the Superior congratulated the newly professed by thanking all the confreres, the religious and all the Christians who were present.
Moreover, on Sunday, February 4, 2024, at the Major Seminary of Philosophy in Analamasova Toamasina, the diaconal ordination of five brothers took place composing of four diocesan and one Montfortian brother (Joseph Victor) and the celebration of the patronal feast of the seminary under the care of Saint Francis de Sales. The Mass was presided over by Mgr. Rosario VELLA, bishop of the diocese of Moramanga. Before the Mass, the bishop invited the priests to meditate on the diaconal service, which they have already experienced.
During his homily, he highlighted the proclamation of the Gospel. As Paul emphasized, it was a misfortune for him if he did not proclaim the Gospel. Turning to the ordinands, he said that there is no honor, no personal pride in the Gospel but one must have a sense of service for the kingdom. Then, before the blessing, the bishop urged the deacons not to demand so much reward for their work. He said, “We must not be like civil servants, they want to have maximum salary and minimum work. For you, you need the maximum amount of work and minimum salary, putting yourself at the service of the people of God”.

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