A Letter to the Inhabitants of Montbernage - Writings of Montfort

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A Letter to the Inhabitants of Montbernage

In 1705, having been released from his post as chaplain to the "General Hospital" in Poitiers, St Louis Marie began preaching missions in the town and suburbs of Poitiers. He began by concentrating on those districts, such as Montbernage, where the ordinary people lived. He immediately met with great success, but at the same time encountered serious opposition, especially from the Vicar-General. For the sake of peace, the Bishop chose to sacrifice Louis Marie, who was forced to leave the town at the beginning of Lent 1706. Before leaving Poitiers and making a pilgrimage to Rome to see the Pope, he wrote a circular letter to the people of the parishes where he had preached, now known as the Letter to the Inhabitants of Montbernage. In it he encourages them to be faithful to all that they had promised during his missions, and asks for their prayers at this particularly difficult moment for himself.
For more details on his life, see A Brief Life of St Louis Marie de Montfort.

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