Annual Assembly of the Vice-Province of Madagascar

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Annual Assembly of the Vice-Province of Madagascar

Montfort News
Published by Fr. Arnold SUHARDI, SMM in Madagascar · Thursday 22 Nov 2018 ·  1:30
Tags: NUMAD457
[FR]  [ES]


ANTANANARIVO, Madagascar - From 20 to 22 November 2018 the annual meeting of the vice-province of Madagascar took place in Antananarivo, the capital of the country. Twenty-seven confreres with perpetual vows who work in this country were present. Fr. Wismick JEAN-CHARLES and Fr. Arnold SUHARDI of the General Council also attended this event.
During this Assembly, Fr. Arnold spoke about the different challenges that this entity faces and presented "the challenge of creating a culture of ongoing formation" as desired by the 2017 General Chapter. Fr. Wismick spoke about the protection of the vulnerables, for information and sensitization.
On November 21, at the commemorative Mass of the Presentation of the Virgin Mary at the Temple, the new administration of this entity was installed. Fr. RANDRIANASOLO KIKY Bruno was re-elected Vice-Provincial for a second term. He is assisted by four councilors, namely: Fr. RAMIANDRISOA LANTO TAHIANA Achille, Fr. RAZAFISOANIAINA Séraphin-Marie, Fr. TSIMIASA Denussein Johanson and Fr. RAFAMANTANANTSOA Crescent Robert.
After the Mass, Cardinal Désiré Tsarahazana, Archbishop of Tamatave, who was in Antananarivo for a meeting in the context of the Bishops' Conference of Madagascar, was delighted to share the joy of the participants as they had lunch together. He himself has been re-elected President of the Bishops' Conference of Madagascar for a third term.
From all the dynamics experienced during these three days, it is not excessive to say that this Assembly was really for this vice-provincial entity "a time of listening and dialogue, a time of fraternal communion and joy".

-Fr. Arnold SUHARDI, SMM


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