VILLA MONTFORT, CUMARAL META, Colombia - From August 26 to 31, 2024, we Montfortians of Colombia lived the beautiful experience of our annual Spiritual Retreat. The goal we set for ourselves this year was to live an experience that helps us, as Montfortians of Colombia, to make the decision to "return to first love".

CUMARAL, Colombia- At the Villa Montfort retreat house in the municipality of Cumaral, Meta, run by the Company of Mary, the Montfort Missionaries of the Province of Colombia have completed the first session of their Provincial Chapter. The Superior General of the Congregation, Father Luiz Augusto STEFANI, SMM and the ...

PAIPA, Colombia - The retreat house of the Foyer de Charité in the municipality of Paipa, Boyacá, was the place chosen for the third Meeting of the Montfortian family with the Superior General of the Company of Mary, Montfortian Missionaries, during his visit to Colombia.

PAIPA-BOYACÁ, Colombia - On April 20, in the middle of the Octave of Easter, around 5:00 in the afternoon, the stage of the Latin American Novitiate 2022-2023 was inaugurated in the city of Paipa-Boyacá. The opening was given by the Provincial of Colombia, Fr. Jorge Enrique GONZÁLEZ, SMM, who was accompanied by other SMM priests: Fr. Manuel MORA, bursar; Fr. Álvaro PULIDO, Vocational Animator and Fr. Armando NOVOA, who studies Accounting in Bogotá...

COLOMBIA - On the eve of the World Mission Day celebration last October 19, 2019, the youth group, Pilgrims of Mary from the...

PAIPA, Colombia - A training session on the protection of minors and vulnerable adults was held in Paipa, Colombia from April 23 to...

The Provincial Chapter of Colombia, held on 25 January 2018 in Bogotá,
in the presence of Father Luiz Augusto Stefani, Superior General,
has elected Father Jorge Enrique GONZÁLEZ VÁSQUEZ as Superior of the Province of Colombia...
in the presence of Father Luiz Augusto Stefani, Superior General,
has elected Father Jorge Enrique GONZÁLEZ VÁSQUEZ as Superior of the Province of Colombia...

On October 28, 2017, in the Montfortian Parish of Nuestra Señora de Belén located in the city of Bogotá (Colombia), Bro. Rafael Tadeo Carrillo made his perpetual profession before Father Gonzalo Tabares Builes, Provincial...